

How try and catch Work

Here is how try and catch work:

  1. When an exception is thrown by a statement in the try{} block, the catch{} blocks are examined one-by-one starting starting with the first.
  2. The first catch{} block to match the type of the exception gets control.
  3. Only one catch{} block gets control.
  4. If no catch{} block matches the exception, none is picked, and execution leaves this method (just as if there were no try{} block.)
  5. The most specific exception types should appear first in the structure, followed by the more general exception types.
  6. The statements in the chosen catch{} block execute sequentially. After the last statement executes, control goes to the first statement that follows the try/catch structure.
  7. Control does not return to the try block.


Must the catch{} blocks list all possible exceptions?